In acupuncture theory, Chinese herbs can come from anything made by nature. Plants, roots, even food itself can be counted as herbs. Take ginger, for example. Ginger is a plant with medicinal properties, but it can also be used as an ingredient in your next meal. This is why herbs are considered supplements and not drugs.
Herbs are commonly cooked together into what is commonly called an “herb tea” or “decoction.” However, the taste makes it difficult for some people to accept. Modern science allows for herbs to be taken in capsule form, which is becoming increasingly common. Because there are more than 300 types of herbs and seemingly endless ways to combine them to treat diseases, some acupuncture doctors make knowledge of herbal medicine their specialty. The modern apothecary can be found if you know where to look – and they’re not hard to find!
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Jane Rong Rohrs, L.Ac.
Using knowledge of the ages to treat patients in the present. Archives
November 2021
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