Poor circulation is the cause of this uncomfortable cold sensation in the extremities. A blanket and hot cocoa may work for a short while, but what about the rest of the day? Acupuncturists use the acupuncture point “yang chi” (阳池) to relieve these symptoms. To locate the “yang chi” (阳池) point, stretch out your hand and spread your fingers. You should see the tendons on the back of your hand. At the base of the little finger’s tendon, use your index finger to feel for a small pocket. You should feel some soreness when you apply pressure to this point. Sore means you have a problem there. Press and massage this point for 2-3 minutes, and repeat throughout the day. In addition, rubbing the Dazhui (大椎) and ShenShu (肾腧) points occasionally would be beneficial as well. To improve your situation quicker, contact Jane Rong Rohrs, L.Ac. to make an appointment!
Jane Rong Rohrs, L.Ac.
Using knowledge of the ages to treat patients in the present. Archives
November 2021
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